
May 21, 2008

Vacation 1

     On Saturday, May 18th, the Webber family will embark on a very fascinating, educational, and fun trip.  For the first leg of our trip we will be going to Washington D.C.  Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.  It is squished in between the states of Maryland and Virginia, in the District of Columbia.  It is home to 15 Smithsonian museums, the US Capital building, the US Supreme Court, and the White house.  The National Mall is also in Washington D.C.  The National Mall is an outdoor attraction.  It contains the Vietnam, WWII, Korean War, Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials,as well  as the Washington Monument.  This is going to be a great place for pictures.

May 20, 2008

Frisbee Fun

Than-the-Man throws the frisbee...
Jamie catches the frisbee...

Hud catches the frisbee...
and, Jo-snazz takes pictures.

May 19, 2008


Yeah!  My first post!  How does it look?