
December 15, 2013

Sick on Sunday

Do you know what is so incredible?  The fact that at this very moment I am sitting on my bed -- fevered, in my pajamas and guzzling homemade juice -- and watching a live feed of the preacher at my church via Google+ hangouts. 

 Miserable as it may be, I am worshipping and learning with my church family from my sickbed.  The wonders of technology!

Juice: Pears, Ginger, Carrots and Spinach. Yum. (Yes, I know it looks like swamp but it really does taste great.)

The view isn't so bad either. :-)

December 12, 2013


(Jamie, JoJo Mom & Dad, Emily, Than, Hud) 

It is a bit of a tradition now to take out family photo over Thanksgiving.  I don't know why we wait till it is 20 degrees out.  Summer is kinda a thing too, you know!

So, every year the day before Thanksgiving we sit down to plan who is cooking what the next day and someone says we should take pictures tomorrow.  So we plan our outfits around whatever Jamie brought back from school and decide on a location and time.  Except, come shoot time we forget that there is something in the oven that will burn if we leave before it is done, or we forget when sunset is, or both.  So we abort our fantastic plans and either run to the back yard or the neighbors yard for 15 minutes.

J* puts his camera on a tripod and we huddle as close as we can a take as many pictures as we can before our hands and ears go numb.  And there you have it.  Presto family photo!  For all of their quirks and rough edges I wouldn't trade them for the world.