August 6, 2015

Taekwondo - 6 month update

A photo posted by Joanna Webber (@josnazz) on
You may remember this post from 5 months ago about my beginning in martial arts.  I was so new, nervous, and excited.  Could I really do this?  Will this make me a more aggressive person?  Will this change the way people see me?  How far do I want to go with this?  Since then the nerves have turned into drive and the excitement into fascination.

-I CAN do this.  It's hard, but I can do it.

-TKD doesn't make me more aggressive than I was, but it gives me an outlet to be straight up aggressive instead of always passive aggressive. ;)

-Yes, it does change the way people see me (but only if they know).  It changes the way I see other people too.  My parents are proud of me and rarely fail to list TKD when they spout my list of achievements.  Embarrassing?  Yes.  Normal?  So much yes.  I love having parents who are proud of me, even if it is a little uncomfortable.  Emmy and I have been referred to as "resident weapons" at our church.  My pseudobros (guys being discipled by my family) give me an even wider berth as a half serious joke.  I make them hold boards I break just to remind them of what I can do every once in a while.  Haha!  This is why Mom says I have no boyfriend.  Maybe it's true.  #noregrets

-As to how far I'm going, I should think that is obvious -- first dan black belt!!  I have to get my black belt first, but then I have to keep working and perfecting to get my first dan stripe.  That's when I will feel truly accomplished.

It's hard to believe that I've already tested twice (one of those a double test) and accomplished my first goal: getting a green belt by the end of the year.  Not only that, but later this week I get to double test again! Blue and Brown belts, here I come!

Hopefully I'll get more photos, facts, and tips up in posts in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Joanna! Martial arts is an incredible experience. I jumped in head first as first the girlfriend, then fiance, then wife of the head instructor, so I'm learning to live, breathe, and train Shotokan Karate. Being able to work alongside my husband and experience it all is a wild and awesome and often painful ride that I wouldn't trade for anything! Love following along with your journey here.

    - K
