- Everyone seems to enjoy the sewing projects
- A few enjoy the photos I share
- Some people (even though you don't comment. tsk, tsk, tsk :-) read this blog to see what is going on at our house how my life is going etc... Those are pretty much the people I know in "real" life. :-)
Now my dilemma:I have two passions, and hundreds of hobbies. How do I keep the blog simple and streamlined while posting about many very different subjects?
Of course, there is the more than one blog option, but that hasn't worked very well. Not to mention it is slightly annoying to keep track of three different blogs all by the same author.
I mean really....
I bead
I sew and knit and crochet and woodwork and draw and paint play the piano and viola
I bake and cook and clean and organize
I take photos

Lots of photos...
I'm very involved in my church and school and robotics
I have the most crazily awesome family and friends
And I have JESUS, who makes everything worthwhile.
So folks, I have THE life.
And I'd love to blog it all, but there isn't time or space.
So what do you REALLY want to hear about?