July 22, 2012

Splash of Sunshine Blog Party!

Hey!  I'm going to participate in the Splash of Sunshine Blog Party!  Head over to Bramblewood Fashion for more details!

1. What word are you totally loving at the moment? 
My "Be Enchanted" Lotion from Bath and Body Works.  It's perfect.

2. Any tv shows/movies you are excited for this fall? 
Sherlock.  The Hobbit.

3. Anything that symbolizes something to you? 
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterfalls: all your waves and your billows are gone over me.  Psalm 42:7

4. Two favorite songs at the moment? 
Only two?!  Hmmm... "Blessings" by Laura Story, "Tell Me Ma" by The Kilkennys

5. If there was suddenly a world taker over by an evil dictator what would you do? 
Not sure.  I'd probably end up either working behind the scenes at H.Q. or I'd be a spy.

6. What is your favorite summer activity? 
Hymn-sings around the campfire with Christians from near and far. :-)

7. What has been your favorite summer vacation? 
This summer? Well, going to Europe was pretty awesome. :-)

8. If you received an unlimited shopping spree to any store, what store would it be for? 
Eddie Bauer.

9. What is your favorite summertime food? 
Watermelon, homemade burgers, & chocolate zucchini bread.

10. What is your favorite summertime movie?
I don't know.  We don't watch a ton of movies(except the pixar ones my sister puts in almost everyday).  I think Pride and Prejudice is a movie I watch every summer though.

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