March 31, 2009

     Well, its finished.  This is my entry for the VFW Patriotic Art contest.  All I have to do now is write a paragraph about how it shows patriotism.  Please tell me what you think, and if you have any tips!!
Current mood: Creative


  1. i recieved your photo for the contest! Oh, and this is Lauren Ann, but I didn't feel like signing in on my account!

  2. Hey Joanna! I'm glad you liked your gift.:D

    Have you happened to get that letter in the mail yet? LOL. Okay, for real, have you?
    Miss Hannah

    Ooops, i forgot to tell you about your post.:D

    I love it! I'm sure your paragraph will be wonderful Miss. Creative!!!

  3. Hey Joanna!

    You must have misunderstood me. I ment, have you replied to the letter I sent you with the gift! I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding! How silly of me!:D
    Miss Hannah
