These are the pictures that I am entering into Hannah's contest.
May 30, 2009
A tag from Ithilwen
Your Life
What is your favorite food? Right now? Watermelon
Your favorite hot drink? Russian Tea
Your favorite cold drink (besides water)? Lemonade
Your favorite hot drink? Russian Tea
Your favorite cold drink (besides water)? Lemonade
Your current favorite articles of clothing? My latest denim skirt, my sense and sensibility dress
What are you reading right now? The Bible *gasp* nothing else?
What are your favorite books right now? The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, The journey west
What are your favorite movies right now? The Sound of Music, Pride and Prejudice,
What music do you listen to? Hymns, Soundtracks, Musicals, My playlist : D
What phrases/exclamations do you say often/are a family joke? "Robin, get in the Batmobile", and any other weird quotes from any movie we've seen.
What do you enjoy doing most? Reading, Drawing, Singing, Sewing, Blogging, Dancing,
If you were going somewhere dangerous in Middle-earth, Narnia, or The Lands Beyond, what would you take? My best friends, and some sort of weapon, perhaps a bow?
Who are your real-life role models?Christ, my Dad, I don't know, I sort of copy everybody. :)
Who are your fictional role models? Lucy, ?
If your life were a movie, who would play you? The heroes secretary.
What are you most afraid of? ? Failure?
What are your favorite smells? Chocolate chip cookies, flowers, outdoors in general
What is your favorite sound? Rain, wind
What is your favorite sight? A genuine smile,
What are you reading right now? The Bible *gasp* nothing else?
What are your favorite books right now? The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, The journey west
What are your favorite movies right now? The Sound of Music, Pride and Prejudice,
What music do you listen to? Hymns, Soundtracks, Musicals, My playlist : D
What phrases/exclamations do you say often/are a family joke? "Robin, get in the Batmobile", and any other weird quotes from any movie we've seen.
What do you enjoy doing most? Reading, Drawing, Singing, Sewing, Blogging, Dancing,
If you were going somewhere dangerous in Middle-earth, Narnia, or The Lands Beyond, what would you take? My best friends, and some sort of weapon, perhaps a bow?
Who are your real-life role models?Christ, my Dad, I don't know, I sort of copy everybody. :)
Who are your fictional role models? Lucy, ?
If your life were a movie, who would play you? The heroes secretary.
What are you most afraid of? ? Failure?
What are your favorite smells? Chocolate chip cookies, flowers, outdoors in general
What is your favorite sound? Rain, wind
What is your favorite sight? A genuine smile,
If you had a CD, what would it be called? Petals of Praise? I don't know, I haven't thought about it.
I tag:
and anyone else who wants to.
May 29, 2009
Not so deep thoughts. :)
I have come to a conclusion.
A Girl can never have too many denim skirts.
Great, right?
No, seriously. I have fallen head over heals back in love with long denim/blue jean (whatever you want to call them) skirts!
*does a little dance*
Ok, I think I must of had too much caffeine. I'm starting to talk a lot and smile for no reason.
Good night everybody!
May 26, 2009
Garden: New and Improved!
Recently we expanded our garden immensely. It is now 3 times the size and is growing about 10 times the amount of edibles. (as opposed to just pumpkins :) ) I can't say I'm much of a gardener myself, but I do help out once in while. However, my mother is attacking it with gusto, and my little sister Emily has just fallen in love with flower beds, so we will all be doing some gardening. I'll let the photos do their thousand words now...
Our new cabbage sprouts!
Before - 1
Before - 2
After! MUCH bigger
Nathanael, Daddy, Hudson
And a bunch of miscellaneous photos...
Your author trying to build an area for compost. Once again, your ever so unphotogenic best blogging friend graces the blog. *cringes* :)
Have a great day!
May 25, 2009
Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day All!
Today is a day to remember all those who have given their lives that we might have freedom. Not only those in Arlington, but all over the world. I have always been especially drawn to the tomb of the unknown soldier, those who's names are known "only to God". Something about the not having any earthly person know, only God. Its a secret in a way I guess...a mystery. These men and women gave their lives for our country and deserve to be honored and remembered. On Saturday mornings my father and brothers go to a local mens Bible study that meets at a restaurant. Recently a german fella has started coming. My Dad told me that he said he was so thankful for all we did, invading Germany in all. If we hadn't(with the allies of course :) ) made that shove on D-day and stormed Normandy beach, eventually liberating Germany, he would not be here now. His family would still be stuck in Germany.
We take this day to remember those who died for our freedom, but there is a greater person who died for our freedom as well. The Lord Jesus Died that we might be free, it is so big that we remember him every day, particularly on Sunday. Lets take the time to thank Him and remember him as much as we remember our other heroes. And remember to always show kindness to our veterans, for in some cases, it was probably only a miracle that saved them from being remembered today. Lets show them we care. If you know any, go visit them and talk to them, listen to them, you might actually learn something. :) Ok, so enough blabbering right? If you've made it this far in the post I congratulate you, you are one dedicated reader! Thanks so much. :)
I can't wait till we cut the watermelon! I love watermelon!
May 23, 2009
Maidens picking flowers by a stream study
May 22, 2009
For culinary artists...
For those of you who are chefs/bakers/cooks in the making, here is an idea for you. While in Atlanta we went to an italian restaurant. We had cannolis for dessert, and look how they served them! There was a sort of chocolate spider web sprinkled with powdered sugar, then they stacked the cannolis. Lets just be honest here. Even if it is the most delicious meal in the whole world, it won't be very appealing unless it looks good. Sight is a big part of our lives. You may have to cleanest room ever, but if its disorganized, it still looks awful.
Sorry about the terrible lighting.
May 20, 2009
Thank you Awel!
Thank you Awel Prince for the Awards!
For the sake of time, each award is only going to two people. Sorry! I love all of your blogs!

Against the flow award goes to...
Hannah - Trusting in his Love
Melody - Melody's little corner
Julia - Julia's Journal
Zoe Faith - Joyful Sounds

(even though she's not blogging currently :)
Pepper Darcy - Pepper's Inkwell
Breezy - A bowl of moss and pebbles
I am half sick of shadows - said the Lady of Shalott
I am Half-Sick of Shadows - said the Lady of Shalott
1915 ~ Oil on canvas
Art Gallery of Ontario - Toronto, Canada
John William Waterhouse
May 18, 2009
Narnia award

May 14, 2009
Pictures from the ball

Is everybody ready?
Ok, so this ball was not all it was made out to be, but it was still fun. Last, no, two Thursdays ago at our co-op's academic fair some people stayed late and learned Ms. Hannah's modified version of the first dance in P&P 2005. So one, two, skip a few we get to last friday. After a very dainty dinner (tea party type thing) all those who were there and would like to be examples to come up on stage. Of course, I volunteered. As it turned out, everyone who was up there had the same partner that they did the week before. This was the most fun part. After this was up basically all they played was country and some other stuff that I can't even name. At any rate, I DON'T DANCE TO THAT KIND OF STUFF. Thankfully, no one asked me to dance. We went to the dance with some friends from our chapel who also go to Hallstrom. It was a Hallstrom only thing, so everyone there was home-schooled and, supposedly, Christian. I say supposedly because, well, some of them aren't. That is very plain. However, our co-op is supposed to be a Christian co-op. Oh, well. There were and are some very nice Christian families that go there. After dinner my parents stopped by to see us all dressed up, so that was nice. I truly am sorry I didn't get a lot of nice pictures, some of these aren't even mine. Anywho.... Enjoy! I'll post pictures of just my dress at a later date.
Jamie (my brother who doesn't and wouldn't dance but went to a ball anyway.)
Our group. (Carolyn, Jamie, Moi, Shawn, Shannen)
Carolyn, Me, and Shannen (the photo forces me to use bad grammar. What an excuse, I wonder if it would work in real life... :))
Our table, minus Shawn (whos taking the picture)
Andrew, Jamie, Rebekah, Joanna (me), Shannen, and Carolyn
Hannah, the dance instructor
Jamie my dad and I
Shannen and Shawn Lesko
Ok, so I was tired of pictures, what can I say? I'm NOT photo genic
A general lack a guys

Andrew and Jamie. How did they ever put up with such torture? :-P

Listening to instructions
On the stage from left to right: Bethany, Bea, Me, Matthew(my partner), Gabe, Michael, Justin

5, 6, 7, 8...

Waiting for the music
May 13, 2009
Just a minute...
Well, actually, a day. I have so much to post about, but I've got to go to bed! Things upcoming:
-Photos from the ball
-End of school year hurrah and stuff
-Cardinal Stamp explanation
-and of course, more art!
May 6, 2009
Inaugural Ball

Our, uh, latest First Lady and President at one of their inaugural balls.
May 4, 2009
Miranda, The Tempest
May 3, 2009
Austrian Cream Cookies
Beat 2 eggs until light.
Blend in 1 c. sugar
and 1 c. cream.
Mix in 3 3/4 c. flour
1 T. baking powder
and 1 t. salt.
Chill for an hour.
Roll out to 3/8 inch thick on floured board, then cut into 2" squares. Use the back of a knife blade to press a tic-tac-toe design onto the top of each cookie.
Grease the baking sheet and bake at 375 for 10-13 minutes.
Frost with a dab of buttercream and garnish with strawberry slices, or a tiny lemon twist and a mint leaf, or a single perfect raspberry . . . .
(from the Betty Crocker Cooky Book 1963)
May 2, 2009
Atlanta Trip part 3
Day 3.5:
After Dialog in the dark, everyone feels like some ice cream, so we cross the street. There was at total of 24 flavors, plus every kind of goodie and fudge you can imagine. Has you ever had coconut ice cream? Its really good! But then, I like just about everything coconut. Peanut butter ice cream is really good too.
Here is somebody's ice cream
And a lovely picture of me. (sarcasm)
Most of the rest of our family.
And the Duffs.
They have some really cool light fixtures, don't they?
As we were heading out the door we stopped to watch this guy make waffle cones and waffle bowls. It really is very simple, but you need a special waffle iron. Turns out, he is a christian named John. He has been trying to set up outdoor prayer meetings in the area for some time. Well, we didn't actually leave till about 20 minutes, and 4 waffles, later.
Anslee with her waffle
John with the waffles
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