October 2, 2013

Hawaii Vlog 1 :: The Intro


I arrived safely in Hawaii after a 9 hour flight from Chicago to Honolulu!  Note to future travelers: If you must buy a sandwich and water bottle in an airport for $11.63, at least get a sandwich on focaccia bread.  That stuff is incredible(my apologies to everyone who was raised to not call their food "stuff").

Learn to make Focaccia.

Dawn, Ellie, River and Jack came to pick me up at the airport and brought a Lei of fresh flowers.  It was just as exquisite and delicately perfumed as those dollar store ones are cheap and tacky. It hangs in my room still to make it smell nice.  :-)

Now, don't laugh, but the first thing I did when I went up stairs was to smell their front door.  Yup.  Smell it.  They are beautifully carved wood front doors and I felt they would smell a bit like I imagine Professor Digory's wardrobe would smell.  There is a slight scent, but not quite the pungent aroma I was imagining. :-)

On to the vlog!  A sad attempt, I admit, but with just 2 hours from shooting everything to being done, I'd say it's doable and improvable.  Still getting used to the sound of my own voice on tape and deciding how much of my personality and mistakes to seep through.  Probably more than I did this time. :-)  Anyway, enjoy!


  1. What?? That was awesome! Now speak up so we can hear you. We love you and everything you have to say!! Thanks so much for doing this, JO!!! Mommy is so proud of you. Happy Mommy wiggles.

  2. Lovely setting. Can't wait to see the kiddies. God is so good. Love how He is working in your life. Serve Him with joy in your grateful heart! When the praises go up; the blessings rain down!
    Love you,

  3. Great video. God is so good. Serve Him with a grateful heart!
    Love you, Gram
