50mm ISO250 f2.0 1/1250 5:58PM 9/3/17 |
Sundays are rough for taking pictures. They are "be" days, not "document" days.
So I went out and took some obligatory pictures.
Of flowers.
They were cool, but they didn't hit home (actually they were kinda lame). They didn't tell a story.
So I brought the camera out at Bible Study (where Kevin and Celia were in town for just the day).
We took a group photo, and then it clicked that all three of my original pseudo-bros were now married (as of 2 months ago) and were all there with their wives! So we took a group photo.
I was worried about being the annoying girl with the camera.
I didn't want to push things. But I shot anyway. Because, you know, the challenge, and, like, failing 3 days in, and wanting to push myself... So I directed them and then relied on the group of other Bible study fan behind me to provide comic relief. And I just shot everything.
Now we have amazing snapshots of Danny's sense of humor, and Christen's baby belly, and Celia's laugh, and Kevin's beard. . .This bit of time will never come back again. It's a different season from when the guys were all around our table eating one-pot and talking theology, and another different season is on the way. But this here and now is the gift of the present.
It totally beat the flower shot.
Uncomfortable? #shootanyway #shootthestory
Our actual shot |