October 2, 2008

My 50th post!

So, here is an update on school.
1. Write with the best
Ok, we had an assignment last week to write a descriptive paragraph on a person that we had to make up.  I had some fun with it and named my old gentleman Professor Piersol.  This assignment wasn't hard because I like to make up characters, but then My teacher read it in front of the class!  I guess this is supposed to be good, because she thought it was great writing, but aaahhhhh!  How embarrassing!  I do not find pleasure in my own writing!  So, this week we have to write a short story.  I am having trouble with the plot, but perhaps it will work it self out.

2. Math
I am doing Saxon Algebra 1 this year.  I never was good at math, but I am determined to get an "A" this year.  We are still in review, so it is pretty easy, almost fun! I can't believe I said that!

3. Spanish 1
Spanish is very fun and I am learning lot.  We are even learning some songs, but I wish we could learn hymns instead of the praise choruses because I only know 5 of them in English!

4. Art
I am in advanced art this year, but I can't say that I am really advanced.  It is very fun.  So far this year we have done 1 1/2 canvases (we are working on our second), a watercolor, a one-point perspective pencil drawing, and some chinese painting.

As a side note, I finally got a battery charger for my camera, so get reading for some pictures!


  1. You have been tagged. Go to my blog to see.Now I'm off to see the VP debate.

  2. Yes, but I wish I could have taken a history class. I have never taken a history class in my entire life! eeekkk! My younger brother knows more than me! Ha! Ha!

  3. HA. As your Mom, I am very proud of you. Sorry I haven't read that story yet. History? Why don't you do the History of the World I and II that we have downstairs? It should be easy, and then you can teach E when she gets a little older.
